From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to recognize a beautiful, delicate situation and not overstep your bounds. In this day of technology, people seem to have forgotten the beauty of asking before taking. Everything is at our fingertips, so we go for it as if nothing can stop us.
Unfortunately people can be caught in the crossfire of this give and take. What if my child was a foster child, and I was not able to post her picture online, and yet you did? What if by taking her picture you destroyed the chance of giving her a forever family? What if a nasty divorce was going on where the child's whereabouts were secret and the father found out where she was living? Yes, these seem like drastic circumstances, and thank you God my family is not in any of them, but I do know people who have been in each situation I described. It would be a tragedy if what seemed so small as a picture had such horrible outcomes. And sadly, technology makes these lasting mistakes all too easy.

So, again, thank you kind woman for asking. You and the other woman with you were so endearing and encouraging of motherhood. I believe you were also the same women who said, "you're a good mom for letting her play in the mud." My heart soared! I knew a bath was in store later that night, but in that moment I felt proud to be a mom of a 20 month old mud swimming, outdoor exploring, sweet smiling toddler.
As I wiped her mud stained hands later in the car I remembered your question and how I forgot to thank you. You may never read this, but I wish you knew how much your kind words meant. They may have seemed small to you, but to this tired, sunburnt momma, they meant the world. Thank you! Thank you very much!

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