What a day my little Emmalyn! So many emotions packed into one day I don't know where to start. The day started rough again, and I blame it all on teething. ;)
You had your first real tantrum, which took momma by surprise, when you screamed as you threw your toys across the kitchen. As your tears fell you still managed to listen and pick up each item on the ground. I still do not know why you were angry. But I still love you forever.
Outside I watched you explore the elements of water as you sifted it through your fingers, dumped little containers holding the cool liquid into larger ones, painted a one-of-a-kind masterpiece only you could see on the side of the pink pool, and laughed as you choked down drinking too much water at once. Then the woods rang with your gleeful laughter as you realized a ball could go down the slide. What joy! We danced like no one was watching in that morning sunshine.
I saw your surprise, wonder, and inquisitive spirit after nap as you ran your fingers over your homemade quilt. Your grandmas are two talented women! You are so lucky to have such dedication crafted into such a fine quilt. It has definitely been worth the wait to hear your "Yay!" when Amma showed you the patterns of purple and brown with gliding butterflies woven within.
Outside again we ran around like crazies flapping our wings and calling "caw caw" as we pretended to be Eagles. I want to cement forever in my mind the way your blue eyes sparkled as I spun you around in circles and how your laughter echoed as you swooped up and down in my arms, mimicking an Eagle's wings.

Back inside we had a quick bath where you were able to be a swimming frog, splashing the water and eating the bubbles. We sang along with Olaf as he reminded us of the Summer days right around the corner.
After a dinner fit for a queen, you and Pappy exchanged winks, though yours were more constipated blinks. You made us all laugh though. You were trying so hard! We reminisced on the "tractor" at the tulip fields. You excited smile never gets old!
As I rocked your tired, fighting sleep body, I thought back to the simplicity of this day. It was ordinary in every way, and yet the small moments were timeless memories I never want to forget. Somehow over night you left babyhood behind and embraced the daunting days of toddlerhood. I hold you to rock you and yet you are already too big for my arms.
I pray that you slumber happy dreams where you get to soar with the Eagles and drive tractors until the sun rises. I love you forever, my child. I pray you hold onto your childlike wonder, tucked away in your pocket for a perfect day when you need to remember the simple joy found in a bucket of rocks and a pail of water.