But I have come to a decision, in more than one way, I have decided what to write about and made another big decision in my life.
Here is the background: About 3 1/2 years ago I began taking Prilosec, a medicine used to help those with Acid Reflux. In my personal opinion it is a drug, bad for your system and bad for your morale. Well about a year ago I ran out and had to go 2 days without it, just 2 days, and in those 2 days I had withdrawals from the medication that scared me. (This was before the medication was available over the counter.) I thought at one point after throwing up that I was going to die from the excruciating pain in my stomach. Who knew that something that was supposed to help could have such a horrible side affect when one stopped taking the pills. Yet I was too dependent on it and when I got more medication I immediately started taking it again, swearing I would never run out again so I would not have to stop taking it. I became paranoid, always refilling days in advance to make sure I was never without.
What you may ask made me decide after the consequences of last time? Well there is this guy I work with, his name is David, and he told me that his brother and him take Ginger Pills to help with their stomach issues. David told me it is cheaper and natural, so no going bankrupt and no foreign substances in my body, sounded great to me.
So I set a schedule and am sticking to it. One day with Prilosec and the next day with Ginger, 3x a day after each meal. I will have been doing this a week tomorrow, and so far I am greatly pleased. The first 3 to 4 days my stomach ached in pain, but I never once threw up. =) Now the pain is only a dull throb, barely notice it anymore. Tomorrow, Thursday, I am going to change my routine and go 2 days with Ginger, still 3x a day after each meal, and 1 day with Prilosec. I hope by the end of May or mid-June I will have come to a point where I no longer need Prilosec. By the end of the summer I hope to only be taking Ginger at Breakfast and Dinner. When September comes around I will evaluate the past few months and decide what the next action will be. My long-term goal is to get to a point where I only need to take Ginger when absolutely necessary.
I have not done much research on the affects of Ginger over a prolonged period of time, but that is next on my agenda. I hope what I find is positive. I will keep you posted as I continue on my quest. I would appreciate your support over the next long months ahead. I am excited with myself for finally making a decision, one that will help my health and morale. It makes getting up in the morning much easier, but that is for another blog :)

What decision have you made lately? How will it affect your future life? It is amazing how one small decision can change your perspective on so many things. Decision making is hard but healthy, a life goal we all should strive to accomplish. It may mean failing at times but keep striving, each of us will get there eventually together.
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