This will be my last post baby girl until I get to hold you in my arms. It's crazy to think that in barely 12 hours I will be listening to your first cry and seeing your precious face for the first time. No matter if you're born with strawberry blonde hair or no hair at all, I cannot wait to kiss your sweet face, tickle your little fingers and toes, and hold you close to my skin. Daddy and I are both so excited for your arrival! How you arrive, via C-Section, is the part we are not looking forward to as neither of us are fans of hospitals and doctors, and definitely not epidurals.
But we sure are excited! Diapers and wipes are stacked neatly in the closet, clothes are washed and organized by size, crib is assembled and sturdy, car seat is in place for your first car ride home, and the nursery as a whole is looking sharp, orderly, and beautiful. Your grandmas and aunts have helped mommy prepare for your big arrival by getting the nursery in working order. Daddy even spent long hours building shelves to make your nursery orderly. Since we couldn't live in the country before you were born, we decided to bring the country to you. Take a quick peek! We will show you the rest once you arrive home. Soon you'll get to fall asleep with visions of butterflies and dragonflies dancing in your dreams.
Diapers & Wipes Stacked |
Daddy Double Checking Your Car Seat |
Clothes Folded According to Size |
Clothes Hung by Size |
Panoramic View of Your Nursery |
Daddy & Aunt Bekah Discussing Important Baby Things While Taking a Break from Adding Last Minute Touches to Your Nursery |
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