My sweet baby girl,
I hope when you get older you learn to stop and appreciate the beauty in this world. God has painted us a masterpiece here, and I hope you never take this present for granted. Each endlessly billowing ocean, magnificently majestic mountain, perfectly sculpted flower, and carefully crafted creature were placed here for the sole purpose to remind us that we are not alone in this world but are instead placed in the hands of a loving Creator who takes His time with each of His creations.
We are not a random happenstance or a mystical mistake but are instead a timeless wonder that no scientist or theologian or astrologist will ever comprehend. David says in Psalms, "Your works are wonderful I know that full well. How vast is the sum of them! If I were to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand." Remember that, my child. God is never done doing a good work in us, around us, and through us! We are tools for His kingdom that get to partake in the beauty of His painting everyday!
As I look out on this vast ocean before me I wish I could share this view with you. A view that evokes such a calming transcendence as you hear the crash of the waves on the rock and the splash of the surf hitting the sea that one can only gaze in amazement and gather a glimpse of the thrill God must have felt when He created this world for me and you. So I hope you remember, my daughter, to smell the flowers and squish the sand between your toes, because this brings joy and laughter to the heart of God.
I would like to believe He watches over us when we stop for a moment to gaze at His masterpiece and smiles as He says, "That is it, my child, drink in the reassuring peace of my presence depicted in the beauty around you." And then I see Him pausing with us as He looks around at His painting, past the darkness and sin, and sighs a satisfying, "It is good." And I hope that it is in these moments of pause, where the world speeds on around you, that you feel His loving embrace and His reminder that "He will never leave you nor forsake you." This is my wish for you, my daughter, and I hope you will cherish these moments of pause forever in your heart and in your memories.
Love you forever. Your mommy.
(Written on May 26, 2014 while on our Babymoon in Big Sur, CA)
"Somehow I can't believe there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably." —Walt Disney
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Butterflies & Dragonflies
This will be my last post baby girl until I get to hold you in my arms. It's crazy to think that in barely 12 hours I will be listening to your first cry and seeing your precious face for the first time. No matter if you're born with strawberry blonde hair or no hair at all, I cannot wait to kiss your sweet face, tickle your little fingers and toes, and hold you close to my skin. Daddy and I are both so excited for your arrival! How you arrive, via C-Section, is the part we are not looking forward to as neither of us are fans of hospitals and doctors, and definitely not epidurals.
But we sure are excited! Diapers and wipes are stacked neatly in the closet, clothes are washed and organized by size, crib is assembled and sturdy, car seat is in place for your first car ride home, and the nursery as a whole is looking sharp, orderly, and beautiful. Your grandmas and aunts have helped mommy prepare for your big arrival by getting the nursery in working order. Daddy even spent long hours building shelves to make your nursery orderly. Since we couldn't live in the country before you were born, we decided to bring the country to you. Take a quick peek! We will show you the rest once you arrive home. Soon you'll get to fall asleep with visions of butterflies and dragonflies dancing in your dreams.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Capturing the Moment
Maternity photos are one of those moments that can either turn out really well or end up quite awkward. Thankfully our maternity photos turned out well, and I purposefully avoided shots that had the potential to be awkward. ;) These were taken on July 20 when I was 35 weeks pregnant with you. Uncle Micah did quite a good job. I cannot wait to watch him hone and grow his skills over the next few years. Your daddy took a few, but since I required him to be in most of them, we left most of the photographing to Uncle Micah. Pictures were taken at Rancho Los Alamitos, which we will be taking you to visit at some point, and a random bench I spotted in a quiet neighborhood walkway. The day was perfect, even if I was sweating too much by the time we were done. Your daddy and uncle were quite exhausted by the end, but they were troopers in making sure we got all the pictures momma was asking for before we called it quits. It was all for you though baby girl, so it was totally worth it! :)
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So walk with me as we capture the moment, have some laughs, and make some memories... |
Saturday, August 16, 2014
The Things I Do For You Kid...
...And you're not even born yet! Man, what a stressful time it has been these last few weeks. Between finding out you're certain to dance your way into this world and dealing with incompetent, rude doctors, mommy is exhausted in every possible way. Who knew that having a C-section would be more stressful than going into labor! I'm ready for you to be here so we can switch doctors already, and yet at the same time I am definitely nowhere near ready for you to be here. I still have so much to do and nowhere near enough time to get it all done. But amidst all the stress I have at least had some pretty good laughs, made some good memories, and have some interesting stories to tell you. For example, how I have tried to turn you or as some call it "spinning babies." Classic, good times I wouldn't change for anything! :) So here you go baby. I hope you enjoyed the exercise even if you did not turn. (This is what Grandma Pam wishes you ;)
Hot swimsuit outfit. Putting in earplugs. Good to go! |
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A tad bit cold. |
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
All Girls are Princesses
There are so many things I am looking forward to doing once you arrive, baby girl. I could write up a list so long that I am not even certain this blog could contain them all. One thing though that I am looking forward to is watching all of my favorite movies with you. But, even more so than that, my all time favorite movie, apart from Disney of course which has its own category. I cannot wait until we can sit down together and watch A Little Princess. Yes, there are many versions out there, but we own my favorite version, and in my opinion the best version, but that is besides the point. Along with this, I cannot wait until you are old enough to read A Little Princess.
Both of these, especially the movie as I am a visual person, have gotten me through some tough days. There is something so peaceful and serene that even in the midst of Sara's chaotic life marked with catastrophes, she still finds the positive side of life--the smell of her hometown in India, the way angels send messages from above when we feel all alone, and the fact that all girls are princesses. Yes, that is right. "All girls are princesses, even if they live in tiny, old attics, even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't young and beautiful, ...all girls are princesses." What a great reminder when we feel down!
Please, dear daughter, do not ever forget that! No matter what life throws your way, remember that you are precious and special, a jewel that no one can replace. Your parents know that, even before you are born we know that. All of your other family knows that. And most importantly, God knows that. He created you, knit you together before we knew you were going to be filling our lives with joy (Psalm 139:13). If the world lets you down, and I promise you that it will, you can rest assured that God loves you no matter what (Psalm 89:1-2). I know there will be days this is hard to remember, but I hope that you will still never forget this wonderful fact.
If I instill any wisdom in you as a child, beautiful one, it is the fact that you are royalty, a crowned jewel, an heir to the royal throne of God (1 John 3:1-3, Romans 8:14-17). You are most precious and most beloved. You are a princess. And you have every right to claim that title as your own.
Both of these, especially the movie as I am a visual person, have gotten me through some tough days. There is something so peaceful and serene that even in the midst of Sara's chaotic life marked with catastrophes, she still finds the positive side of life--the smell of her hometown in India, the way angels send messages from above when we feel all alone, and the fact that all girls are princesses. Yes, that is right. "All girls are princesses, even if they live in tiny, old attics, even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't young and beautiful, ...all girls are princesses." What a great reminder when we feel down!
Please, dear daughter, do not ever forget that! No matter what life throws your way, remember that you are precious and special, a jewel that no one can replace. Your parents know that, even before you are born we know that. All of your other family knows that. And most importantly, God knows that. He created you, knit you together before we knew you were going to be filling our lives with joy (Psalm 139:13). If the world lets you down, and I promise you that it will, you can rest assured that God loves you no matter what (Psalm 89:1-2). I know there will be days this is hard to remember, but I hope that you will still never forget this wonderful fact.
If I instill any wisdom in you as a child, beautiful one, it is the fact that you are royalty, a crowned jewel, an heir to the royal throne of God (1 John 3:1-3, Romans 8:14-17). You are most precious and most beloved. You are a princess. And you have every right to claim that title as your own.
Trunk or Treat 2013, SCG
Children of God & Heirs of the Most High King
I cannot wait to celebrate Halloween with you! Our trunk was a much needed reminder for me at the time of how I am God's beloved. God must have known that in less than a year I would need this reminder so I could pass it along to my daughter. I am thrilled you will be joining us this year! :)
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