Friday, July 15, 2011

Pure Laziness My Friends...

   I find it difficult to keep a journal when there are so many thoughts going on in my head. I would love to write about them but I can never figure where to start, so I never do. Terrible excuse I know, but that is me, always coming up with excuses after excuses of why I should not do something, or more like why I cannot do something.
   Like just the other day my excuse for not putting the laundry away was because it was too hot. For not eating I said there was no food to eat, when really there was probably at least something I could throw together. When I do not want to exercise it is because I am too tired. And when it comes to this blog it is because I do not know what to say, and my computer takes too long to load, but I cannot go to another computer because i no longer remember my password so there would be no way for me to login.
   But when I actually ponder these things it all comes down to the fact that I am lazy. I make excuses because i am a "bump on a log," as my mother used to call me. I was too lazy to stand long enough to hang some clothes, too lazy to make the effort to put peanut butter and jelly on bread to create a sandwich, too lazy to get up early to make life healthier for me, and too lazy to wait 30 minutes to turn on my computer, open the internet, and get to my blog site.
   Yes, it is true that I have too many thoughts to get them all out at once onto paper, but that is just another example of my laziness at not taking the time to sort through my thoughts to find a topic that might remotely interest anyone! I am not even sure I am interested in what I am writing right now! But hey, it is a good place to start and at least I am writing something. :)
   So until tomorrow I am going to dream of my laziness and hope the solution just appears in the swirling colors of my sleep. Maybe then I will make the effort to turn this blase blog into something profound, beautiful, and a gripping page turner that someone besides my lonely self will want to read.

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