I meant to post the following this past Sunday on Easter, but you know me daughter and how I procrastinate. It's a horrible habit! I hope you do not grow to be like your momma in that respect.
It seemed daddy, you, and me were all off a bit this past Sunday. It was still a fun day, but daddy was sick, you were teething, and mommy's thoughts were lost in the past. I'm sorry if I wasn't as mentally present as I should've been. You see Em, your grandpa would've been 59 years old this past Sunday. Oh how I wish you had the chance to know him!
I remember one Easter, after he knew he had cancer, we went out into the neighborhood to hand out flyers for the upcoming Easter Sunday. From what I remember, it was his thing. He took Jesus' calling in Acts to heart and never passed up an opportunity to tell another about how much God had done in his life. Inviting the neighborhood to an Easter Service was merely an extension of his calling.
Well this particular day we were at a neighbor's house talking about Easter when he started to have a seizure. His words faltered as he became dazed and confused, but his smile continued as he laughed it off. Again, my memory isn't as clear as it used to be, and I may have altered details, but the point remains. Here was your grandfather telling others about Jesus, not letting cancer or seizures get in his way. Satan had no hold on him. Your grandfather knew who he belonged to and never forgot that!
Talk about an inspiration! He surely was a man of God! And your momma loved him very much. So on Sunday my thoughts were on him and the few memories I have, trying to cement them in my mind so one day I can pass on a glimpse of the grandfather you will not be able to meet here on Earth.
I look forward my child to making Easter memories with you, whether that's decorating a tractor brownie or hunting for eggs each year. My prayer though is that no matter what our traditions grow into, we will never forget the true meaning of Easter. Easter is the beginning of Christianity! And I pray we will never tire of telling others this amazing news no matter what life brings, just as your grandfather did before you.