Thursday, December 15, 2011

Merry Christmas Daddy

My dad passed away 11 years ago on Tuesday, December 13. It has been a long, difficult, emotionally challenging 11 years full of heartbreak and discovering who I am. I have been to the bottom and am finally working my way out of the pit of hell, literally in some aspects. I hope someday my life can reflect the woman my daddy would be proud of and the woman he dreamed I would become. I am pretty sure I have failed him so far, but I hope that when I see him again in Heaven he will be proud of how far I have come in life. Even though I have strayed far, he was always an inspiration, an image of someone I dreamed someday I could be like. Maybe now that I am changing there is still a chance I could be like my dad. And maybe someday when I see him again he will not be disappointed in me, like I fear so many nights.
Merry Christmas Daddy! I will always love you, and I will never forget the legacy you left behind.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Conflict Between 2 Jobs

I just realized I never finished posting about how my job interviews turned out. Well I got both of the jobs! Except I had already officially started working for Target before I knew I got the job at the Brea Library, so unfortunately the Library was not willing to work with my Target schedule and decided to pursue someone with a more open/consistent work schedule. I was really bummed about the Library job since working in the library is what I would love to do, but now that I have worked for Target for a month I am really enjoying my job there, the experience I am acquiring, and the people I have met.

I still miss the Library job, but, as my husband pointed out, who knows maybe I can still work at a library in the future. Who knows what God has in store for me! I am thinking of looking at some of the state and city college libraries around my area come the new year to see if they are hiring because their libraries are bigger and I would not put everyone out of their jobs like I could have if I worked at the Brea Library. ;)

Until then I am enjoying the experience I am gaining at Target. I can almost actually count change finally! lol ;) It is an exhausting job at times, that is for sure, but getting paid is definitely worth it when you have so little money. The only problem is I have to be extra amazing right now because January 15, 2012 is when I will find out if I am hired on as an actual, non-temporary employee of Target or if I am let go and on the hunt once again for another job, which I really do not want to have to do. So until I am told otherwise I am putting my heart into this job and focusing on being amazing so they will see what a benefit I can be to their company. Come January I will give you an update on how things turnout. I pray that God allows me to stay on and if not He opens a new door to a new job that He has laid out for me. It is all in His hands how my job future turns out.